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Let us help Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

The Community of Sant'Egidio launches a fundraising campaign to send humanitarian aid to the refugee camps in Bangladesh, in collaboration with the local Church

Christmas Lunch with the poor: let's prepare a table table that reaches the whole world

The book "The Christmas Lunch" available online for free. DOWNLOAD! And prepare Christmas with the poor

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Laras Giuseppe

President of the Assembly of Rabbis of Italy

Panel 4 - Europe’s Mission in the World 20 Years After 1989
Sep 7 2009 09:30 | Cracow City Hall – Hall A
Panel 22 - Faith and Science
Sep 7 2009 16:30 | Aula Collegium Maius UJ

Lewin Moshé

Rabbi, Advisor to the Central Consistory of France

Panel 16 - No to the Death Penalty: No Justice Without Life
Sep 7 2009 16:30 | Cracow City Hall – Hall B

Lewy Mordechay

Ambasciatore di Israele presso la Santa Sede

Panel 1 - Do Not Forget Auschwitz
At the end of the Panel an Award Ceremony will take place in which His Eminence Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz will receive the Jan Karski Eagle prize

Sep 7 2009 09:30 | Słowacki Theatre

Libera Piotr

Katholischer Bischof, Polen

Panel 20 - Martyrdom and Resistance to Evil
Sep 7 2009 16:30 | Dominican Convent

Prayer for Peace, Dialogue, Ecumenism, Krakow, Spirit of Assisi

Cracow 2009

Greeting of pope Benedict XVI



Italiano - English - Polski