Community of Sant'Egidio
The voice of the Friends
The voice of the Friends
Lent time
Sunday, March 21 st, 2004

The Parable of the Lost Son
Bartolom Esteban Murillo, The Return of the Prodigal Son, 1670, Gift of the Avalon Foundation
"We had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again"
Lk 15. 1-3.11-32
Flavia Massimi

It's the friends' city!

It's the friends' city!
Felt pens, Water-colour, pencil and "sfumino"

The Friends


The Friends


War roads


War roads


The voice of the Friends
From this week on, the
“Voice of the Friends” will be also in English

The Friends have many things to say about disabled people and the world. Some of them have become paintings and were shown at the exhibit “ Down with Grey”; others were spoken about during the round tables done to launch “Jesus as a friend”, the book that collects our meetings of catechesis. Since 2002, we have been publishing them on the Internet through “ The Friends' voice”.

“The Voice” was born just to communicate through the Internet, the work, the ideas and the initiatives of “The “Friends” and to let others be aware of how much the disabled can do in terms of culture. All along this year, the “Voice” has been heard by many people also outside Italy . Many have asked us to take part in our initiatives and told us they appreciate our ideas. People subscribed our “Manifesto” from 20 different countries, of all continents.

That's why we've decided to start the English version of “The Voice”. Thus we'll be able to reach out to a larger public.

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