Guinea-Bissau A hospital for Africa

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Guinea Bissau

  A small country that asks for help
The civil war
  Rebuilding after the war
  The new hospital
  The project for reconstruction of the hospital
  Who help us
  You too can help us
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The fight against 
child malnutrition
A health education course
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The civil war

In June 1998, as a result of inner conflicts in the government, an armed struggle began between the President, Nino Vieira, supported by troops from Senegal and Guinea Conakry, and the chief of General Staff Ansumane Man�, supported by 80% of the national army and a good part of the population. The outcome of the conflict was dramatic: hundreds of civilians killed and more than 100,000 refugees. In the June 1999, after the withdrawal of the Senegalese and Guinean army of Conakry, the troops of General Man� defeated troops loyal to President Vieira, who was forced into exile. At the end of 1999, the process of democratic development of the country began, with political (December 1999) and presidential elections (January 2000). This was shaken by another coup d'�tat attempt at the end of 2000.

After the civil war, the situation of the country has deteriorated: a large part of the capital has been destroyed or seriously damaged, the telephone lines are largely inactive, a harvest year has been lost, the central hospital, that was bombed extensively, is out of action. Also, the "Raoul Follerau - Community of Sant' Egidio" hospital was bombed and occupied by soldiers. The structure was seriously damaged and destroyed in many places, as can be seen from the images.

The social and sanitary situation is therefore particularly difficult, because of the destruction of all structures, which were already lacking before the civil war. Connections with neighbouring countries are also problematic: the airport only operates during the day, the rail network is insufficient, and the port is partially damaged.