Community of Sant'Egidio
Friends in the World

Goma - Eruption of the Nyiragongo volcano

Goma (D.R. of Congo)
Two Letters Saying "Thank You" 
for the Aid to the Victims of the Volcano Eruption

Two letters arrived from the centre for disabled people in Bukavu and from a young Congolese doctor. The letters bear witness of the solidarity that reached the victims of the Goma volcano by means of the Community of Sant'Egidio.

The first letter comes from Maison Bethanie, the institute for disabled people where the Community made many interventions, among which the distribution of mattresses

To our dear benefactors of the 
Community of Sant�Egidio / Goma

Object: our thanksgiving

Dear benefactors,
We write you this letter to say you what follows: notwhistanding our silence during this time, upon request of all the disabled people living in the �Maison B�thanie�, we say that the distribution of mattresses, this humanitarian act, impressed us very much and left a lasting memory in our hearts.

We sleep on mattresses and thus we remember this humanitarian act every day and every night! We want to say this to our friends of Sant�Egidio and to thank them. As the saying goes �He who gives to the poor, gives to God�, that means that only the Lord will reward and lead the Community according to its needs.

We all in the �Maison B�thanie�, we greet you dearly and we say a big thank you, wishing you happy Eastern.

For the patients of �Maison B�thanie�
The Secretary: Kimbere Byadumia Zach�e Barth�lemy
The director of the house: Bauma Lubungo Felix

One of the doctors of the Community of Sant�Egidio in Bukavu, who worked among the thousands refugees during these last months, Jacques Sebisaho Lubondo, wrote us a letter:

This large solidarity showed the universality of Sant�Egidio and that it is really a family.

We received a great number of drugs that enabled us to help thousands of victims. There are many children who live in refugees camps with all the risks of virus and bacterial infections. The antibiotics that were sent were given to the children especially to help them against intestinal parasites.

We were happy to receive also anti-malaria drugs which are very necessary in our region.

Pregnant women and very anaemic children were given iron and folic acid.

Thank you for having thought about that. We also received and distributed a great deal of important materials and products for the urgent cases.

Thank you for your generosity: may God reward you!




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