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Community of Sant'Egidio
Friends in the world

Kasungu (Malawi)
The First Food Relief Arrived for the Victims of the Famine
Malawi has recently been struck by a serious famine, which involves about 70% of the population. The Community of sant'Egidio is carrying out a program of food relief for an area which is especially poor and isolated.


Malawi has recently been struck by a serious famine, which involves about 70% of the 11 million inhabitants.

For a number of reasons, among which a prolonged drought, the last corn crop - which is the basic food of the population - was extremely poor and does not cover the food needs of an already poor country.

The Community of sant'Egidio has sent first need food aid in the Kasungu district, where there have already been tens of famine victims.

The first cargo of food aid arrived some days ago and is going to be distributed in the most isolated rural zones. Aid is made up of not perishable highly proteinic food: rice, beans, oil, sugar and biscuits for children which are enriched with vitamins. More cargoes are due to arrive in the next weeks.