Muslim-Christian Summit

Rome, October 3-4 2001






To answer to terror,
To avoid the temptation of clash of civilization,
To strengthen global stability,
To strengthen the voices of dialogue and coexistence

In the context of the recent tragic events involving both nations of the West and of the Islamic-Arabic area in the crisis unleashed by the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, the Community of Sant'Egidio believes it is more urgent than ever to find possible ways to promote dialogue and cooperation among religious leaders. 
Dialogue can dissipate any temptation of confrontation and violence, that risk to create a deep separation and to jeapardize global stability.
This is the reason why the Community of Sant'Egidio decide to promote the Muslim-Christian Summit. The latter is going to be held in Rome next October 3-4.
It is an initiative which will demonstrate the solidarity of the two great religions with the victims of terrorism. The meeting, in addition, will try to identify a path of dialogue to create a new climate of peace among Christians and Muslims, far from any logic of opposition.
The summit will include high-level participation by leaders of the Catholic Church, from Europe, Asia and America, the Lutheran World Federation, the World Methodist Council, the Episcopal Church USA, the Orthodox Churches, and Islamic religious and cultural leaders from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Algeria, Qatar and Iran.