Muslim-Christian Summit

Rome, October 3-4 2001







October 3, Wednesday


Opening session
Centro Congressi di Via di Porta Castello 44


Oscar Luigi Scalfaro
Senator of the Italian Republic

Andrea Riccardi
Founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio, Italy

Walter Veltroni
Mayor of Rome, Italy

Carlo Maria Martini
Cardinal Archbishop of Milan, Italy

Yusuf Qaradawi
Theologian Director of the Sunna Research Center, Qatar

Michael Fitzgerald
Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious, Dialogue, Holy See

M. Abdullah Omar Nasseef
President of the World Muslim Congress, Saudi Arabia

Roger Etchegaray
Cardinal, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Holy See

Ahmed Kamal Aboulmagd
Jurist, University of Cairo , Egypt

Mar Gregorios Iohanna Ibrahim
Syrian-Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Syria

Ezzeddin Ibrahim
Cultural Adviser to the Emir, United Arab Emirates


Audience of the President of the Republic to the participants
Palazzo del Quirinale


Work session
Centro Congressi di Via di Porta Castello 44

Renato Ruggiero
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Italy

Nasser Farid Wasel
Grand Mufti of Egypt

Orthodox Primate of Albania

Ishmael Noko
Secretary General of the World Lutheran Federation

Mohammed Said Noamani
Secretary General of the World League of Islamic Culture, Iran

George Freeman
Secretary General of the World Methodist Council, USA

Dr. Fahmi Howeidy
Columnist and writer, Egypt

Vincenzo Paglia
Bishop of Terni, Italy

Abdoullah Ould Biya
King Abdel Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

October 4, Thursday


Comunit� di Sant�Egidio


Prayer services

Islamic prayer
Santa Maria in Trastevere

Christian prayer
Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere


Final Ceremony
Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere