Copyright� 1999-2003 Comunit� di Sant'Egidio


A large pilgrimage of peace is directed towards Aachen, in the heart of Europe, where the International Meeting "Peoples and Religions" on the issue " War and Peace: Faiths and Cultures in Dialogue" will take place, from September 7th to 9th.

Since 1987, following the footsteps of pope John Paul II�s meeting in Assisi, every year the Community of Sant�Egidio invites representatives from different faiths in a great meeting of dialogue and prayer for peace.

The remarkable number of participants - higher than in previous editions, with more than five hundred religious representatives, and several thousands persons who have subscribed to participate to the forums - shows how much road we have walked in these years, but it is also a "sign of the times". In fact, it tells how big a need there is to draw routes of cooperation and to address issues which cross different cultural and religious contexts.

There will be thirty panels, with issues ranging from ecumenism to the relation between literature and peace, from the death penalty to problems connected to environment and water, from immigration to Europe�s role in furthering peace.

The site will cover the event live, sharing whatever will be available: videos, images, texts, press reviews, in different languages. Also the final appeal will be proposed to everybody, so that it may be signed on-line.

Then we all direct our steps towards Aachen, also virtually, as peace seekers, to live together these days of dialogue and peace.