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No Death Penalty

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Copyright � 1999-2003
Comunit� di Sant'Egidio



30 NOVEMBER 2003

Cities for Life 
Cities for Life- Cities Against the Death Penalty

No justice without life

Throughout the world, 128 CITIES FOR LIFE  enlighten a symbolic monument AGAINST THE DEATH PENALTY, to affirm their participation to the initiative NO JUSTICE WITHOUT LIFE

This initiative is being organized by the Community of Sant'Egidio

and actively supported by the main international human rights organizations, gathered in the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty (a.o. Amnesty International, Ensemble contre la Peine de Mort, ACAT, International Penal Reform, FIACAT).

Rome, Tokyo, Lyon, Brussels, Barcelona, Florence, Venice, Buenos Aires, Austin, Madrid, Dallas, Antwerp, Vienna, Naples, Paris, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Reggio Emilia, Bogot�, Santiago de Chile and more than 100 smaller and larger cities have become together

"Cities for Life � Cities Against the Death Penalty"!

The Colosseum in Rome, the Moneda Palace in Santiago, the Central Obelisque in Buenos Aires will testify for life! For three days long, special events, Nobel Peace Prize winners, and international personalities will form a united moral sign together in order to stop all executions worldwide.  

The World Day Cites for Life � Cities against the Death Penalty

was celebrated for the first time on November 30th 2002,

on the anniversary of the first abolition of the death penalty

in a �modern� European state,

the Great Duchy of Tuscany in 1786.


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