NO to the Death Penalty
 International Campaign

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Urgent Appeal -

Abok Alfa Akok - Sudan

18 anni

Abok Alfa Akok, 18, a Sudanese Dinka woman is pregnant and she was sentenced to be stoned to death for adultery last December  by Nyala- Court, in the South of Sudan.

The man was released for lack of evidence. 

During trial there were at least 2 remarkable mistakes.


1)      The trial was conducted in Arabic - not her tongue - without a translation of proceedings and so Abok could not follow the trial and adequately to defend herself .


It is the first time the shari�a law is applied against people who are not muslim.

On the pages of our site we will put all  the updates and the further details on this case that we will be able to find.


In the meanwhile we invite all to send a short appeal to the President of Sudan as well as the Members of  Sudanese Government, asking for their direct intervention, in order to stop and avoid the execution, with a commutation or an act of clemency.



to H.E. Omar Hassan Al-Bashir

President of the Republic of Sudan


To All the Members of the Government

 of the Republic of Sudan

Fax 00249. 11.771724


e per il tramite della

Ambasciata della Repubblica del Sudan in Italia

Vvia Spallanzani 24, 00161 Roma

Fax (39)  06 4402358


I undersigned �������

Respectfully plead for  mercy and I ask you to commute the death sentence or to grant a pardon to Mrs. Abok Alfa Akok, 18, who was sentenced to be stoned to death last December by Nyala Court in South Western Sudan for alleged adultery.

