NO to the Death Penalty
 International Campaign

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Urgent appeal



Safiya Hussaini Tungar - Tudu



Latest - 25/03/02


Foto: BBC

Safiya, 30, sentenced to death by stoning when she was pregnant by the Court of Gwadabawa, Sokoto-State, which found her guilty of having pre-marital sex. 


Ms. Tungar-Tudu, after presenting an appeal to the Federal Court, got a stay of the execution


Foto: BBC

We invite you to send an appeal to the President of Nigeria  end to the authorities of Nigeria (eventually by means of the Embassy of Nigeria in your country) in order to stop the execution and save the woman and her baby.





Your Excellency,


We are writing to express our deep concern over a ruling by a court in northern Nigeria that sentenced Safiya Hussaini Tungar-Tudu to death by stoning after finding her guilty of pre-marital sex.

 We urge you to intervene on her behalf to prevent this cruel and inhuman punishment from being meted out against her.

 We oppose the death penalty in all circumstances and in all the countries, because of its inherent cruelty.

Based on the information we received, on October 9, 2001, the Islamic court in Gwadabawa, Sokoto State, in northern Nigeria sentenced Ms. Tungar-Tudu to death after finding her guilty of having pre-marital sex and  Ms. Tungar-Tudu got a stay, after presenting an appeal to the Federal Court.

 We understand that the court's ruling is pending approval by the governor of Sokoto State, after which a date to mete out the punishment will be fixed.

 We implore and urge you to ensure that this cruel and inhuman sentence is not carried out.

