NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale -  Moratoria 2000

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Cardinal Urges Democrats to 'Imitate Jesus'

Cardinal Roger Mahony on Sunday urged Roman Catholic delegates to the Democratic National Convention to have compassion for society's most vulnerable, including immigrants, the poor, and children ``threatened both in the womb and in our neighborhoods.''
``As Christians, our discipleship must be guided by virtues of compassion and forgiveness,'' Mahony said in his homily at a special Mass for convention delegates held at the Wilshire Grand Hotel.
``In doing so, we imitate Jesus Christ whose life embodied genuine compassion for the poor and most vulnerable members of society.'' The Democrats gathering in Los Angeles this week will nominate a presidential ticket that supports abortion rights.
Mahony, a staunch foe of both abortion and the death penalty, urged Democrats to follow the principles of ``mercy to sinners and to those ostracized from the community.''