Appello urgente presentato dalla Comunit� di Sant’Egidio
per salvare la vita di Robert Shields,
condannato a morte
Signor Governatore
Scrivo la mia profonda preoccupazione in merito alla sentenza che ha condannato a morte il sig. Robert Shields, nonostante la sua giovanissima et� al tempo del delitto di cui egli continua peraltro a dichiararsi innocente, la mancanza di precedenti penali e l’imperizia e incompetenza del suo difensore d’ufficio.
La/Vi esorto ad intervenire affinch� sia scongiurata tale crudele e disumana punizione.
La/Vi imploro perch� tale crudele e disumana sentenza non venga eseguita.
(data e firma)
in inglese – da inviare
Urgent appeal brought out by the Community of Sant’Egidio
to save the life of Robert Shields,
sentenced to death
Dear Governor
Your Excellencies
I am writing to express my deep concern over a ruling that sentenced to death Mr. Robert Shields, even though his very young age at the time of the offence which he strongly refuse to admit, his clean penal record and his inexperienced and unqualified court appointed lawyer, who did not try his best to save his client’s life.
I urge you to intervene on his behalf to prevent this cruel and inhuman punishment from being meted out against him.
I implore you to ensure that this cruel and inhuman sentence is not carried out.
Respectfully Yours
(date and signature)