Comunità di Sant'Egidio


Meetings of Prayer on the Occasion of the Anniversary of Assisi 1986
The Community of sant'Egidio makes memory of the anniversary of the Day of Prayer for Peace that Pope John Paul II summoned in 1986 among the great world religions. Meetings of prayer will take place in various cities.


Barcelona Wednesday October 30th 2002, 8 p.m. 
Church of Sant Just i Pastor, Pla�a Sant Just. 08002-Barcellona. (Near the Sant Jaume Square)
Presieded over by Monsignor Josep �ngel S�iz Meneses. Auxiliary Bishop of Barcelona
I. P. S. Sofronie. Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church of Romania in Hungary
Madrid 31/10 ore 20 Iglesia de San Ignacio, c/Principe, 31. presidida por I. P. S. Sofronie. Metropolita de la Iglesia Ortodoxa de Rumania
Tarragona Tuesday October 29th 2002, 8 p.m.
Chiesa di Jes�s i Maria. C/ M�ndez N��ez, 14 - TARRAGONA
Presieded over by Monsignor Llu�s Mart�nez Sistach. Metropolitan Archbishop of Tarragona
I. P. S. Sofronie. Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church of Romania in Hungary
Milan Wednasday October 23rd 2002 - 6.30 p.m.
Church of San Bernardino Via Lanzone 13
Participants: Monsignor Luigi Manganini (Archdiocese of Milan); P.Traian Valdman (Romanian Orthodox Church ); P.Efrem Ghirmay (Eritrea Orthodox Church ); Pastor Martin Ibarra (Baptist Evangelical Church );Pastor Anna Zell (Waldesian Church)