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После теракта в Ницце сотни участников движения "Молодежь за мир" собрались в Париже на встречу "Мы хотим мостов, а не стен" #changeyourEurope

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Объятие Папы Франциска и Патриарха Кирилла на Кубе. Видео, текст совместного заявления, интервью, комментарии.

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Orthodox Metropolitan Bishop, Vice-President of KEK, Ecumenical Patriarchate

Metropolitan Emmanuel was born in 1958 on the island of Crete, Greece. He received his secondary education in France, attending the Sorbonne in Paris, before continuing his studies at the Catholic Institute and the St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute. Ordained a priest in 1985, Fr. Emmanuel continued his doctoral studies at the Holy Cross Institute of Theology in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States.

Upon completion of his studies, Fr. Emmanuel was appointed vicar general of the Greek Diocese of Benelux. In 1995, he was appointed director of the Office of the Orthodox Church under the auspices of the European Union in Brussels, Belgium.

On November 11, 1996, he was consecrated the auxiliary bishop of the Benelux diocese.

[September 2016]
Source: OrthodoxWiki

Assisi 2016 - Thirst for Peace


Monaco 2011