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September 8 2015 19:00 | International Center of Culture (Piazza della Piramide)

Speech of Anastasios


Archbishop of Tirana and Primate of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania

Every one of us, according to our religious tradition, is led to the struggle for peace. And from our personal faith we find inspiration and power. Especially for those of us who follow monotheistic religions, the certainty that peace is the gift of God dominates.

For this reason during the majority of our prayers we are repeatedly asking for the peace from above. This remains the primary focus, the second is the obligation to struggle for peace, with respect for every human person, regardless of political, religious or other convictions.

Let us give thanks to God that through the presentations, the discussions and the general deliberations of our International Meeting for Peace, we had an opportunity to achieve a deeper understanding of our topic, “Peace is Always Possible” and even to be inspired so that we can continue with greater enthusiasm to be peace workers; with the certainty that “blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God” (Mt. 5:9).

•  Let us pray to the lord that “love and truth will meet; justice and peace will kiss (Psalm 85:10);

•  Let us ask the Lord to help us to understand deeper that the opposite of peace is egocentrism: individual, collective, ethnic, racial; that the antidote to overcome the egocentrism is strengthening love;

•  That our main message remains that God is love, and who remains in love, remains in God, and God remains in him. (1 John 4:16)

The struggle for peace, deep within us, in the environment, in our community, across our planet, is the spiritual duty of every human being. In the 21st century it must become our main concern, with the certainty that God is peace. God is always with the peacemakers, inspiring and supporting us in our efforts and struggles.



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