NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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By DANNY M. BOYD, Associated Press Writer McALESTER, Okla.  - Oklahoma executed a man by injection Thursday after DNA tests confirmed his guilt in a woman's murder.Robert William Clayton of Tulsa, Okla., had been scheduled to die two months ago, but a court ruled he could pursue DNA tests. The tests indicated he killed 19-year-old Rhonda Timmons.``I want to say I'm glad I'm leaving this place and I'm going to a better place,'' Clayton said in his final statement. ``I love my family and I'm sorry for this other lady that was killed. ... You're still killing an innocent man.''Prosecutors said that after Timmons rejected Clayton's advances, he fractured her skull, stabbed her 12 times and strangled her with her bathing suit top.Clayton was the ninth inmate put to death in Oklahoma this year. In Virginia, Thomas W. Akers was the first inmate this year to be executed in his state.In a lengthy final statement, Akers expressed remorse for the 1998 beating death of 24-year-old Wesley Smith of Roanoke.``I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for coming into my life,'' Akers said. ``I love all of my family with all of my heart.''Prosecutors said Akers and his cousin, Timmy Martin, told Smith they were taking him out on the town but instead took him to a rural area where they choked him with a belt and beat him beyond recognition.Akers pleaded guilty to capital murder and robbery and told Judge William Alexander that if he didn't get the death penalty, he would kill again and it would be Alexander's fault. In an appeal, defense lawyers said Akers had tried to kill himself several times and suffers from major depression and a dysfunction of his central nervous system.Martin pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison.