NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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Honolulu Star-Bulletin

HAWAII: Convicted murderer commits suicide

Richard Lee Tuck Chong was found dead Tuesday in his cellblock at the federal penitentiary in Lompoc, Calif.

Assistant federal public defender Michael Weight, who represented Chong in a federal murder case, said he was notified by the penitentiary's chaplain of Chong's death.

 It is believed Chong, 50, took his life Tuesday night, Weight said.

 "This was a calculated decision on his part," he said.

 Weight declined to provide further details of Chong's death.

 Chong, known as "China," was the 1st person to face the death penalty in Hawaii since the 1950s, but at the end of June, Chong was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of William Noa Jr. over a $100 drug debt.

 Chong had a history of violence that included sexually assaulting and robbing a 48-year-old woman, holding an ice pick to an inmate's throat while sodomizing him and robbing 2 woman at a Manoa home.

 Chong was transferred from the Oahu Community Correctional Center to the San Bernardino Penitentiary in August before he was sent to the penitentiary at Lompoc.