NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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ABC News

 Poll Finds Drop in Support for Death Penalty and Majority in Favor of Moratorium

 An ABC News Poll found that 51% of Americans support a nationwide moratorium on executions while a commission studies whether the death penalty is applied fairly. The poll also found that overall support for the death penalty has dropped to 63%, down from 77% just five years ago. Support drops further to 46% when respondents are given the sentencing options of life without parole or the death penalty, with 45% choosing life without parole. The poll also found: 52% believe that the death penalty is not a deterrent to murder; up from 31% in 1985 and 41% in 1991 51% support replacing the death penalty with life in prison with no chance of parole 68% believe the death penalty is unfair because of mistaken executions 63% believe the death penalty is unfair because of geographical differences 37% believe the death penalty is unfair because it is applied unequally to blacks compared to whites (ABC News Poll, Press Release, 4/24/01, embargo 5/2/01) See also, Public Opinion and Recent Poll Results