NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale

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In the 1st beheadings this year, 2 Saudi men convicted of murder were beheaded in Saudi Arabia Monday, the Interior Ministry said. Mubarak bin Abdullah al-Dowsari was convicted of fatally shooting a man after an argument. He was executed in the capital Riyadh. Also in Riyadh, Saad bin Ajlan al-Dowsari was beheaded for a fatal shooting over a territorial dispute. Last year, 125 people were beheaded in Saudi Arabia. The record number of beheadings in 1 year in the kingdom was 191 in 1995. Saudi Arabia follows a strict interpretation of Islamic law that prescribes the death sentence for murder, rape, drug trafficking and armed robbery. Human rights organizations maintain Saudi Arabia often fails to give defendants fair trials and point out that Islam calls for limiting the use of capital punishment. Saudi officials criticize such human rights allegations as anti-Islam campaigns.