NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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  - 7 NOV

 NEW YORK  - L'ex leader di una gang della Georgia e'  stato messo a morte con un'iniezione letale a 25 anni dal delitto di cui era  accusato, la morte di un bambino di 11 anni. Jose Martinez High, 43 anni, e'  il secondo detenuto sottoposto a iniezione letale in due settimane nello  stato del sud degli Usa.

 High era il capo di una gang chiamata 'Death Struck' ed era stato  condannato a morte per il sequestro e l'omicidio di Bonnie Bulloch, compiuto  con il resto della banda nel 1976, quando High aveva solo 17 anni. Il  portavoce dell'amministrazione penitenziaria della Georgia, Scott Stallings,  ha reso noto che High prima di morire ha chiesto scusa alla madre della  vittima ed ha chiesto che fosse recitata un preghiera.

-  07 nov


 Georgia executes former gang member for 1976 murder  JACKSON, Ga., Nov 6 (Reuters) - A former gang member  convicted of the 1976 murder of an 11-year-old boy was put to death by  lethal injection in a Georgia prison on Tuesday, the second execution in the  state in the past two weeks.

 Jose Martinez High, 43, was executed in the death chamber at the state  prison in Jackson, about 50 miles (80 km) south of Atlanta, said Georgia  Department of Corrections spokesman Scott Stallings.

 Stallings said High apologized to the mother of his victim and asked for  a prayer before receiving an injection of lethal chemicals. High was  pronounced dead at 8:07 p.m. EST (0107 GMT on Wednesday).

 High, leader of an Augusta, Georgia, gang dubbed "Death Struck," was  sentenced to death for kidnapping and shooting Bonnie Bulloch of  Crawfordville, Georgia. High was a 17-year-old high school student at the  time of the murder.

 High was the second inmate to be executed in Georgia since the state  Supreme Court ruled last month that the use of the electric chair to execute  inmates was unconstitutional because it inflicted needless suffering.

 Georgia switched to lethal injection after the ruling.

 There are now 126 prisoners on Georgia's death row.