NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale

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Articolo pubblicato su �Il Resto del Carlino�  l�8 gennaio 2001 - 

Ogni afghano che si converta al cristianesimo o -comunque- propagandi altre religioni diverse da quella musulmana sar� condannato alla pena di morte. Un decreto in tal senso � stato emesso dal leader dei Taleban, il mullah Nohammad Omar. Nello stesso decreto, Omar sancisce che i proprietari di librerie in cui si vendano libri che offendono l'Islan o �propagandino false credenza� saranno puniti con cinque anni di reclusione. Secondo il leader dei Taleban, �i nemici dell'Islam che agiscono all'interno ed all'esterno dell' Afghanistan tentano di corropmere i musulmani offrendo loro incentivi economici perch� si convertano al cristianesimo o al giudaismo�, ed in conseguenza � stato deciso di punire con la pena di morte �chiunque si converta al cristianesimo o a quelle inconsistenti religioni�. I Taleban hanno il controllo quasi completo dell'Afghanistan da oltre quattro anni, ed hanno imposto il rispetto rigoroso ed integrale della legge islamica. 


Afghanistan Imposes Death Penalty


KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Afghanistan's Taliban rulers on Monday imposed the death penalty for anyone who converts from Islam to another religion. Any non-Muslim found trying to win converts will also be killed, Taliban supreme leader Mullah Mohammed Omar said on Taliban-run Radio Shariat. Omar accused followers of other faiths - particularly Christians and Jews - of trying to convert Muslims and seeking to demonize the harsh brand of Islam practiced by the Taliban. ``The enemies of Muslims are trying to eliminate the pure Islamic religion throughout the world,'' Omar said. The Taliban enforce a strict interpretation of Islamic law in Afghanistan. Women are barred from working, and the Taliban have stopped all schooling for girls beyond age 8. Men are required to wear beards and pray in mosques without fail, while women must wear head-to-toe coverings. Most forms of entertainment have been outlawed, including television and music other than religious songs. On Monday, Omar also announced a five-year jail term for book store owners found selling material critical of Islam and about other religions. Despite the ban on evangelism, followers of other faiths have been allowed to continue practicing their religions. A large Sikh and Hindu community worships at several temples in Kabul, the capital, and a lone Jewish rabbi still lives in the city though most Jews left when the former Soviet Union invaded in 1979. The Taliban control about 95 percent of Afghanistan. Their opposition, led by ousted president Burhanuddin Rabbani, rules in the other area. Fighting between the two sides has raged in recent weeks in central Bamiyan province, where the Taliban said Sunday they regained control of the key city of Yakaolong. 

and tea for Feelom and was waiting for him to come home on the day of the killings. "This barbaric man cruelly killed her with a knife, even her little daughter," her father said. "I think he fairly deserved to be punished like this."