NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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- October 9

Supreme Court Denies Death Penalty Appeal

Convicted Murderer Claimed Lawyer Failed to Put on Effective Defense

By Charles Lane

The Supreme Court today refused to consider the appeal of a convicted Tennessee murderer who claimed that he received the death penalty because his lawyer failed to put an effective case before the jury that sentenced him.

 As usually happens when the court turns down appeals, the court's order included no explanation or published dissent.

 Abu-Ali Abdur'Rahman had been convicted of killing a drug dealer and leaving a butcher knife in the back of another victim during a 1986 robbery. At the time of Abdur'Rahman's crime, he had recently been released from prison where he served time for a previous homicide. Attorneys for Abdur'Rahman had regarded his appeal as an opportunity for the court to revisit the question of how adequately capital murder defendants are served by their lawyers, who are often poorly-paid, court-appointed local attorneys.

 Abdur'Rahman's appellate attorneys asserted that his responsibility for the killings is mitigated by his history of severe child abuse and mental illness, including repeated hospitalization and suicide attempts, but that this evidence was not introduced at his trial or sentencing hearing. They produced affidavits from several jurors saying they might have spared him if they had known more about his troubled background. Their case was supported in friend-of-the-court briefs from prominent law professors led by Laurence Tribe of Harvard.

 Abdur'Rahman's appeals failed in state court, but a federal district court voided his death sentence in April 1998. A federal appeals court reinstated it last year, giving rise to the appeal to the Supreme Court that was turned aside today.

 The court of appeals that reinstated Abdur'Rahman's death sentence noted that the evidence about his past would have either made no difference in the outcome of his case or, possibly, harmed him. "In particular, the supplemental evidence contained a description of [Abdur'Rahman's] motive for killing a fellow prison inmate and a history of violent character traits," the court said. Two Supreme Court justices have expressed doubt about the administration of capital punishment in the United States.

 "I have yet to see a death case among the dozens coming to the Supreme Court on eve-of-execution applications in which the defendant was well represented at trial," Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in a speech in April.

 Justice Sandra Day O'Connor suggested in July that the country may need minimum standards for lawyers who represent people facing the death penalty.

 "I have to acknowledge that serious questions are being raised about whether the death penalty is being fairly administered in this country," O'Connor said.

 But neither justice commented publicly on today's decision, so it is impossible to know what they thought about it. It would have taken the votes of four of the nine justices to agree to hear the case.

Today's decision is "certainly a setback for people who, based on O'Connor's comments, thought that the court would be more aggressive in looking at the death penalty," said Washington attorney Tom Goldstein, who handled Abdur'Rahman's appeal.

He speculated that the court may have decided not to hear the case because the specific legal issues presented in the case had not generated conflicting rulings among lower courts.

"It is very easy in these cases to Monday-morning quarterback the defense lawyer, especially with evidence that cuts both ways," said Kent S. Scheidegger, legal director of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation, which supports capital punishment. "That is why the Supreme Court only allows sentences to be overturned where a supposed error made a real difference. That standard is correct and was properly applied in this case." Goldstein said that he will file new motions in the lower courts. No execution date for Abdur'Rahman has been set.