NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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 President Says the Retarded Should Never Be Executed 


- As he prepared to leave for Europe, President Bush said today that an individual who is mentally retarded should not be executed, addressing an issue that has sparked sharp criticism overseas. But an aide said the comment did not represent a shift in Mr. Bush's position

The statement sowed confusion among opponents of the death penalty, who originally saw it as reflecting a significant change in the president's view

 Mr. Bush's remarks came in a discussion with European reporters here before his departure on a trip in which he is expected to encounter protesters against capital punishment. He was asked his reaction to the nine retired American diplomats who said in a brief filed last week with the Supreme Court that the execution of the mentally retarded tarnished the United States' image abroad and interfered with the conduct of foreign policy

  "We should never execute anybody who is mentally retarded," President Bush said, according to a transcript of the remarks provided by the White House. He went on, "And our court system protects people who don't understand the nature of the crime they've committed nor the punishment they are about to receive."   Harold Koh, the lawyer who wrote the brief for the diplomats, said he was encouraged by Mr. Bush's statement that the mentally retarded should not be executed

  "I think the president should move to make this the policy of his administration, and encourage governors, including in Texas, to sign bills banning the execution of people with mental retardation," Mr. Koh said

  The Texas Legislature has passed such a bill, and it is awaiting action by the governor, Rick Perry. Supporters of the legislation say Texas has executed six mentally retarded defendants since 1976

  When Mr. Bush was governor of Texas, he opposed legislation to bar executions of the mentally retarded and he maintained that position during his campaign for president

  A White House spokeswoman, Claire Buchan, said the president's remarks today did not reflect a change in his views. "This is not a change of policy," Ms. Buchan said. "He's talking about the standards they had in Texas."   The confusion appears to arise over the standards for when a defendant is mentally retarded and the standards for whether the defendant is competent to stand trial and knows right from wrong and therefore can be found guilty for his actions. Jurors are instructed that if they determine that a defendant did not know right from wrong, they should find him not guilty by reason of insanity

  But a person can know right from wrong and still be mentally retarded. Generally speaking, a person is considered retarded if he has an I.Q. below 70

  More than a dozen states that have the death penalty bar execution of the mentally retarded. This means that even after a defendant has been found competent to stand trial, and that he understood the nature of his crime, he may not be executed

  In Florida, Gov. Jeb Bush has said he will not sign the death warrant for a retarded death-row inmate

  Mr. Koh said Mr. Bush's remarks suggested that he did not understand the standards for determining whether a person was competent to stand trial or was mentally retarded

  "He's trying to convey the impression that he cares about the mentally retarded, while he's adopted the posture which allows the mentally retarded to be executed," Mr. Koh said