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- R. Halperin�s news

NEVADA:Nevada man released after 20 years on death row faces new murder charge

A man who spent 2 decades on Nevada's death row for a 1978 murder was arrested Monday for a 2nd murder.

 Jack Mazzan, 54, facing a January retrial for the stabbing death of a judge's son, was arrested on a charge of killing the victim's girlfriend at roughly the same time.

 JoNell Thomas, one of Mazzan's lawyers, called the latest arrest "the most outrageous miscarriage of justice I've ever experienced in my career."

 Mazzan, who has been driving a cab while awaiting a retrial in the Richard Minor Jr. murder case, is expected to appear in court on the latest charge this week.

 The remains of Minor's girlfriend, April Barber, were found in 1979 in a shallow grave along Interstate 80. Authorities think she was killed at about the same time as Minor.

 Prosecutor Tom Barb said the new complaint alleges Barber was stabbed and some of her clothing - as well as Mazzan's jacket allegedly stained with Minor's blood - was found in the trash.

 The clothing was dumped after Mazzan had been arrested for Minor's stabbing death. But authorities believe Mazzan, while in jail, asked someone to get rid of various items in his home.

 Last year, the Nevada Supreme Court overturned Mazzan's conviction for Minor's murder, saying prosecutors withheld information about other suspects.