NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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  Rick Halperin News - OCTOBER 12

Montenegro warned over death penalty

The Council of Europe warned the Yugoslav republic of Montenegro Friday that it could be shut out of the organisation if it carries out a death sentence handed down to 2 of its citizens.

A court in Podgorica on Thursday found the 2 Montenegrin men, Slavko Devic and Rado Arsovic, guilty of murdering a Slovenian truck driver, Aljosa Polensek, and delivered the death penalty for both of the accused.

 "I wish to bring to the attention of the Montenegrin authorities that a moratorium on executions and a commitment to the abolition of the death penalty is a key condition for accession to the Council of Europe," said Lord Russell-Johnston, the president of the parliamentary assembly of the Council, in a statement.

 Council of Europe officials are due to visit Montenegro and Serbia, the two republics that make up Federal Yugoslavia, soon to assess their request for membership.

 While taking into account the fact that Serbia and Montenegro have not yet agreed on the future of the federation, Russell-Johnston said "provided there is a constructive dialogue in place this should not in itself delay the accession."

 However he added: "The Council of Europe will insist that all pre- conditions for membership are met throughout the territory of the candidate for accession."

 Russell-Johnston concluded by praising the progress made so far to abolish the death penalty in Serbia and at a federal level but said there was still evidently much work to be done in Montenegro.