NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale

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Fucilati Due Palestinesi accusati di collaborazionismo

 - Nablus, 13 gen. - Sono stati giustiziati a Nablus e Gaza Majdi Mikkawi e Allan Bani Odeh, i due palestinesi condannati a morte con l�accusa di aver passato a Israele informazioni utilizzate per uccidere attivisti di al Fatah.

Palestinian Squads Execute Two Men

By IBRAHIM BARZAQ, Associated Press Writer

GAZA CITY, Gaza  - Yasser Arafat�s Palestinian Authority put two men before firing squads Saturday for collaborating with Israel in killings of Palestinian militiamen, executing them before weeping family members and crowds of hundreds amid cries of ``God is Great!''  The executions - believed to be a first - as well as new trials Saturday for four other suspected collaborators, came as the sides planned another session of high-level peace talks despite public pessimism about the chances for a deal before Israel's Feb. 6 elections.