NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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South African Press Agency -  R. Halperin�s news - SEPTEMBER 14, 2001

CONGO: Death for 8 in 'closed trial'

8 Congolese soldiers have been given the death penalty after a closed trial that was denounced as unfair by a top United Nations official, the government in Kinshasa announced Friday.

 The government said the 8 soldiers were convicted and sentenced by a military court for plotting a failed coup against the former president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Laurent Kabila.

 They were among 80 people arrested for alleged involvement in a coup plot last October against Kabila, who was eventually assassinated in January.

 40 of the defendants were freed and the rest given sentences of between 5 and 25 years, the government said.

 Earlier this month, the United Nations special reporter on human rights expressed concern about the trial, which was closed to observers. Roberto Garreton said the defendants had not been allowed to choose their lawyers, were being held incommunicado and some were allegedly being subjected to "atrocious torture."

 Garreton said the military tribunal was flagrantly violating the men's right to a fair trial and urged the government - without success - to stop the proceedings, which began in August.

 The trial took place in Likasi, in Katanga province, some 2 000km from Kinshasa.