NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale -  Moratoria 2000

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�       Desmond Tutu, Premio Nobel per la Pace e Arcivescovo Emerito di Citt� del  Capo, rispondendo ad un preciso invito rivoltogli dalla Comunit� di Sant�Egidio, ha scritto al Governatore del Texas Bush, affinch� salvi la vita di Johnny.

Riportiamo il contenuto della lettera:

�Dear Governor Bush,

Johnny Paul Penry is on death row in Huntsville. I write to appeal for the commutation of his sentence.

I do not wish to interfere in the merits of his case but i am shocked that a person who is mentally handicapped should be condemned to death It seems unreasonable taht a severely mentally impaired person should be handed down the ultimate sentence.

Those who are mentally or physically challenged are surely the particular responsibility of the State.

In a very real way he is a special child of the State of  Texas. He may have committed a horrible crime, but I would hope that Texans have it in their heartsto recognise that Johnny Penry has reduced responsibility due to his handicap.

The death penalty is inappropriate and unChristian particularly in such a case.

This would be an opportunity to demonstrate compassion and mercy, indispensable elements elements of statesmenship.

God Bless you

The most Reverend Desmond M. Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus