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Campagna Internazionale 

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  - December 12 

U.S. Seeks to Calm European Death Penalty Terrorism & Sept. 11 Attacks 

Bin Laden Nuclear Potential Worries Officials 

By Ed Cropley

LONDON  - The United States, countering European concerns over extraditing terror suspects to face the death penalty, indicated on Wednesday that those going for trial would not inevitably risk capital punishment.

Attorney General John Ashcroft (news - web sites), kicking off a four-nation tour of Europe designed to bolster international cooperation against terrorism, said each extradition case would be looked at separately.

``Individuals and nations with which we have dealt regarding extraditions have dealt on a case-by-case basis and I think that is the best way to go forward,'' Ashcroft told a news conference.

 Washington's European partners in the U.S.-led war on terror fear that handing over suspects linked to the September 11 attacks on the United States is tantamount to signing their death warrant.

 Britain, France and Spain, which have all rounded up suspects sought by the United States, have scrapped the death penalty.

 Ashcroft's bid to calm their fears came after French Justice Minister Marylise Lebranchu said Paris could not accept the death penalty for Zacarias Moussaoui, a Frenchman of Moroccan descent indicted on Tuesday as part of Washington's first charges relating to the September attacks.

 Moussaoui, indicted for conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism, will be tried in federal court: a charge that can carry the death penalty. But Lebranchu said ``no person benefiting from French consular protection should be executed'' in a clear warning to the lead ally in the war on terror.

 Britain shares French concerns and Ashcroft was careful to say every state must maintain its independence in the joint war.

 ``I do not stand in judgement of other nations, about what they are doing. I understand that as mature sovereigns they need to make assessments of their own,'' he said after meeting British Home Secretary (interior minister) David Blunkett.

 ``I urge for the safety and security of freedom-loving people everywhere that assessments be made in light of the nature of terrorism,'' Ashcroft said.

 Ashcroft has come under fire from rights groups at home who say security measures proposed since September 11 ride roughshod over the liberty of Arabs and Arab-Americans.

 The same fears ring true in Britain, where the House of Lords (upper chamber) has repeatedly blocked an anti-terror bill that proposes sweeping new powers to police and security forces.

 ``We can protect the American people and at the same time respect the rights of citizens that are enshrined in the constitution of the United States,'' Ashcroft said.

 He also vowed there would be no let-up in the U.S.-led clampdown on extremists, saying September 11 taught the world lessons about the nature of terrorism, which now cut across all international borders.

 ``The training frequently takes place in one jurisdiction, the development and planning of an operation takes place in another jurisdiction and the operation itself might be executed in a third or fourth jurisdiction,'' he said. ``It makes it very important for us to have the capacity to co-operate.''

Wednesday, 12 December, 2001, 

Ashcroft moves to reassure EuropeMr Ashcroft (R) has faced criticism for his anti-terror laws

US Attorney General John Ashcroft has stressed the importance of international co-operation in bringing suspected terrorists to justice. He was speaking in London on the first leg of a European tour, where he will be monitoring the progress of law enforcement officials on crushing Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network. He is hoping to ease the fears of European countries that may be reluctant to extradite suspects who could face the death penalty in the US. Each case is dealt with independently with regard to extradition from various countries John Ashcroft  Mr Ashcroft said in London that the complex and controversial extradition process would be dealt with on a "case by case basis". "Each case is dealt with independently with regard to extradition from various countries," he told journalists at a press conference after meeting British Home Secretary David Blunkett. "We have been favoured with high levels of cooperation, particularly the French...(and) the UK has been a model partner." Capital casesMr Ashcroft said that several cases - such as that of Algerian suspect Lotfi Raissi, who was arrested in London shortly after the attacks - did not involve "death eligible" charges. Signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights do not use the death penalty. Mr Ashcroft is also due to travel to Madrid, Berlin, Brussels and Rome before returning to Washington on Sunday. His delegation includes several senior FBI officials, lawyers and judges. Opposition Mr Ashcroft's European tour begins shortly after he announced the first criminal charges relating to the 11 September attacks in America. Mr Moussaoui: First person charged over attack Zacarias Moussaoui, 33, is charged with conspiring with Bin Laden and other suspects to kill thousands in the attacks. Several suspects linked to the attacks also remain in European custody, including a Moroccan suspect, Mounir al-Motassedeq, who is alleged to have shared a Hamburg apartment with two of the hijackers. In Spain, eight al-Qaeda members were arrested and others are currently in custody in France, Belgium and Italy. Methods criticised Mr Ashcroft has frequently been criticised for his methods in fighting the war against terror, both by European observers and by those in own his country. US reaction to anti-terror laws 65% concerned about losing human rights64% approved of giving president power to change previously guaranteed rights51% feel military tribunals not a good idea31% view Mr Ashcroft "favourably"Source: New York Times/CBS News poll In particular, plans to conduct the trials of terrorism suspects under military jurisdiction have come under fire from civil liberties groups. Military trials require only a two-thirds majority to secure a guilty conviction, as opposed to the unanimous verdict needed by civilian courts. A poll conducted by the New York Times and CBS News on Wednesday indicated that more than half of Americans were opposed to military tribunals. And legislation permitting the FBI to listen in on attorney-client conversations has also been criticised as being against the US Constitution. The US is currently holding 623 people in detention; however, none as of yet have been proved to have links with Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network. Investigators also propose to question a further 5,000 Middle Eastern men regarding the attacks, most of whom entered the United States on student or tourist visas. Immigration relief In addition, Mr Ashcroft announced towards the end of November that illegal immigrants who offered information on the terrorist attacks would be offered visas and citizenship. Those coming forward to US authorities with specific intelligence on the attacks in America would be offered "immigration relief" - in some cases permission to stay legally in the US. "The people who have the courage to make the right choice deserve to be welcomed as guests into our country and perhaps to one day become fellow citizens," he said at the time.