NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale -  Moratoria 2000

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About 9 Indians are reported to have been beheaded in Saudi Arabia recently, after convictions for drug trafficking.

The human rights group Amnesty International says that nearly 30 of the 70 foreign nationals put to death in Saudi Arabia this year were from the Indian sub-continent, though it is difficult to get precise details and independent confirmation of the executions.

Amnesty and other human rights organisations have strongly criticized Saudi Arabia's record on capital punishment.

But Riyadh has dismissed criticism as part of an anti-Islamic campaign.

Foreigners 'vulnerable'

Amnesty International says death by beheading in Saudi Arabia is frequently imposed at the end of summary and secret trials.

Foreign nationals, it says, are vulnerable, with no access to legal representation.

(taken from Amnesty International)