NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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Courier-Journal (Kentucky) -  Death Penalty Information Center

New Perspectives on Terrorist Attacks

Jane Chiles, the executive director of the Catholic Conference of Kentucky lost her 26-year-old nephew, Scott Johnson, during the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center.  She recently stated her opposition to the death penalty even for those who perpetrated these attacks:

 My 26-year-old nephew, Scott Johnson, was a victim of one of the most horrific crimes ever to occur on U.S. soil.  'Scotty was murdered on Sept. 11, 2001, while working on the 89th floor of the World Trade Center.

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 I took myself back to my basic belief -- that all life belongs to God and He will decide the punishment.  Although someone took Scotty's life, I can't make that same mistake. When it comes down to judging Jane Chiles and (Osama) bin Laden, I want God to judge bin Laden.
