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Bureau of Justice Statistics

Executions, Death Sentences, Death Row and Public Support All Decline
DPIC Issues Year End Report

Executions in the U.S. dropped for the second consecutive year to their lowest level in 5 years according to a report from the Death Penalty Information Center.  With no more scheduled this year, there were 66 executions in 2001, down from 85 in 2000 and 98 in 1999.  The Bureau of Justice Statistics, in a report on the year 2000, also noted a significant drop in death sentences in 2000 as compared to 1999 and 1998.  This is the lowest number of death sentences in 20 years.  DPIC's report noted that public support for the death penalty has declined, from a high of 80% in 1994 to 65% in 2001, according to Gallup Poll results. (New York Times, USA Today, Reuters, 12/14/01).

 Capital Punishment Statistics


Summary findings


In 2000, 85 inmates were executed, 13 fewer than in 1999.

Executions, 1930-2000

  • In 2000, 85 persons in 14 States were executed -- 40 in Texas; 11 in Oklahoma, 8 in Virginia, 6 in Florida, 5 in Missouri, 4 in Alabama, 3 in Arizona, 2 in Arkansas, and 1 each in Delaware, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and California.

  • Of persons executed in 2000:
    -- 49 were white
    -- 35 were black
    -- 1 was American Indian

  • Of those executed in 2000:
    -- 83 were men
    -- 2 were women

  • Eighty of the executions in 2000 were carried out by lethal injection and 5 by electrocution.

  • Thirty-eight States and the Federal government in 2000 had capital statutes.

Prisoners under sentence of death

The number of prisoners on death row has been increasing

Prisoners on death row, 1953-2000


  • At yearend 2000, 37 States and the Federal prison system held 3,593 prisoners under sentence of death, 1.5% more than at yearend 1999. All had committed murder.

Since the death penalty was reinstated by the Supreme Court in 1976, white inmates have made up the majority of those under sentence of death.

Prisoners on death row by race, 1968-2000


  • Of persons under sentence of death in 2000:
       -- 1,990 were white
       -- 1,535 were black
       -- 29 were American Indian
       -- 27 were Asian
       -- 12 were of unknown race.

  • Fifty-four women were under a sentence of death.

  • The 339 Hispanic inmates under sentence of death accounted for 11% of inmates with a known ethnicity.

  • Among inmates under sentence of death and with available criminal histories:
    -- nearly 2 in 3 had a prior felony conviction
    -- about 1 in 12 had a prior homicide conviction.

  • Among persons for whom arrest information was available, the average age at time of arrest was 28; 2% of inmates were age 17 or younger.

  • At yearend, the youngest inmate under sentence of death was 18; the oldest was 85.