NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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    Baltimore Sun -  9/20/01

 U.S. District Court Chief Judge J. Frederick Motz overturned Maryland death row inmate Kevin Wiggins' murder conviction and death sentence, holding that there was not enough evidence to convict at trial, and that he received ineffective representation during sentencing. "No rational finder of fact could have found Wiggins guilty of murder beyond a reasonable doubt," said Motz.  Wiggins was convicted for the drowning death of his neighbor Florence Lacs in 1988.  Motz held that the trial judge failed to give due weight to evidence that Wiggins was innocent.  He also stated that Wiggins' lawyers failed to present mitigating information about his childhood of physical and sexual abuse during sentencing.  Motz ordered Wiggins released within the next 30 days unless the state appeals.  Wiggins remains convicted of a robbery of the same victim.