NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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Amebo!  -

NIGERIA---female faces death by stoning - No Alternative to Death Penalty for Safiya 

Adegbite Secretary General of the Nigeria Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) Dr. Lateef Adegbite, yesterday said that there is no alternative to the sentence passed on Safiya Bello who was recently condemned to death by stoning for committing adultery.

Adegbite, who spoke with newsmen shortly after the end of the Eid-El- Fitri prayer marking the end of the 30-day Ramadan fast at the Egba Central prayer ground, Oke-Latoro, Abeokuta, pointed out that there was no alternative to the judgement if the woman was actually found guilty of the offense.

According to him, "Safiya's offence was against the law of Allah. And she has been prosecuted accordingly. Therefore, true judgment must be carried out", he said.

While expressing personal worry about how the true judgment would be carried out, Adegbite said what makes the whole issue more complicated was the latest confession by Safiya that she was raped.

He explained that if the woman was undoubtedly raped, that makes the offence an unintentional one which might not carry death sentence.

The NSCIA scribe who further expressed surprise that Yakubu Mu'Azu with whom the offence was allegedly committed was not convicted said however that since the case has been referred to the Sharia Court of Appeal the best thing was to wait for the verdict of the court.

Adegbite who took a swipe at the critics of Sharia, the Islamic legal code or application of part of, described them (the critics) as ignorant of the law, and hence have no right to condemn it.

He described Sharia as the law of Allah which cannot be said to be barbaric or uncivilised, adding that no individual or human rights group can be above Allah or His law.

He urged the press and other human rights crusaders to join hands in condemning criminality and any other form of illicit acts so as to make the society a safe place to live.

Only two weeks ago, Safiya had cried out for justice, insisting that she was raped.

Speaking to British Broadcasting Corporation African Service, Safiya said: "There was no justice, I was seduced by a man and that man was asked to be set free while I am being punished. I want to get justice," she said.

Asked why she disappeared from the scene, she said she was apprehensive about the whole situation. stressing that she was shattered and confused and wanted to get away from her environment.

Safiya who was due to be stoned penultimate Wednesday got a reprive from the Sokoto State Sharia Court of Appeal.

The appellate court, headed by Sokoto State's acting Grand Khadi, Alhaji Muhamadu Bello, assisted by three other Khadis, at its sitting granted a stay of execution of the death sentence until Safiya's ground of appeal was heard and settled.

Safiya was last October convicted for the sin of adultery by the Upper Sharia Court 1 Gwadebawa in Sokoto State and was sentenced to death by stoning.