NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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The Baltimore Sun on Maryland moratorium bill:

KILL FIRST. Ask questions later. That's what Maryland officials will be doing if the General Assembly doesn't pass a death penalty moratorium bill this session. They'll be strapping prisoners to gurneys -- as many as four this year -- and extinguishing their lives without knowing whether race or some other indecorous factor helped convict them....That's no way to conduct public policy on behalf of all Marylanders, in whose names these lives are taken. It's also completely unnecessary, because the moratorium bill...could help clear up this moral morass.... It would stop the state from executing someone now, only to find out two years down the road that the capital system is skewed or unfair....Simple fairness says we should ask and answer the questions surrounding Maryland's death penalty -- before we take another life in the name of justice.