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USA/IRAN: United States Calls Iran Death Sentence Outrageous

The United States on Tuesday said the death sentence against Iranian reformist Hashem Aghajati was outrageous and the Iranian government should listen to the views of the Iranian people.

 Iranian students have been protesting in solidarity with Aghajari for more than a week. On Tuesday, members of a hard-line militia staged counter-demonstrations at Tehran University.

 Earlier this month, the State Department accused the Iranian authorities of breaking international standards of due process by sentencing Aghajari, who has questioned the right of the clergy to rule the Islamic republic.

 On Tuesday State Department spokesman Philip Reeker went farther, saying: "We think it's outrageous that the expression of views would be met with a death sentence, and apparently thousands of students in Iran feel the same way."

 "We think the government should start listening to its people. The people, we think, are sending a message that they are looking for a change in the way they are being governed and an opportunity for a different or better life," he added.

 Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's most powerful figure, attempted to calm the tension on Sunday by ordering a judicial review of Aghajari's death sentence.

 The State Department last week gave Iran's ambassador to the United Nations permission to visit Washington, for the 1st time in about a year, but the ambassador, Javad Zarif, canceled his visit because of restrictions on his activities.

 The organizers said the State Department would not let Zarif stay in the city beyond nightfall.

 Iran and the United States do not have diplomatic relations. Iran has repeatedly rebuffed Washington's attempts to open an official dialogue.