NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale 

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 Amnesty International - USA

TEXAS - impending execution - JEMARR ARNOLD

Execution Date: January 16, 2002

I am on Texas's death row and sometime in the next few months or so a date will likely be set. I will then be forcibly taken to the Walls Unit. I will be strapped tightly to a gurney by a team of state executioners. Then, I will be murdered. And, forgotten. At least the state of Texas hopes so. They hope to 'bury' the unanswered questions, discrepancies, lies and inconclusive 'evidence' and 'facts' pointing elsewhere. And, most of all a "confession' that was coerced from a mental patient. They hope, again, to be able to successfully use the state's unchecked power to manipulate the truth and blur the line between justice and deliberate calculated murder by evoking sympathy and for the victim. And, hatred and public scorn for me: the one marked for the death chamber.

 I, too, feel compassion and sympathy for this young woman victim, and indeed inside me there is sadness for all victims of violence. However, it isn't right using this to take away other people's rights and increasing the state's power of life and death. I sharply disagree that innocent people aren't being sent to death row and haven't been executed. Or, that we've all received trials that were fair and honest. And, I challenge anyone who's got the notion or misguided belief that all this state killing is about 'justice' or bringing 'closure' and healing. And, whatever it will be about it won't be about 'justice'.

 What killing me will be is the culmination of a chilling miscarriage of justice and mockery that, if facts in my case were viewed in the proper light and objectively, is likely one of the most egregious examples on Texas's already long and growing list of travesties symbolizing the dark cloud of corruption of power and racism long hanging over this state and tainting its entire legal System.

 I was convicted in a sham trial. I was given an incompetent court appointed attorney who essentially collaborated to railroad me. While this may be hard to believe, it is not uncommon in Texas. And, my case is a perfect example. There was no physical evidence introduced during the trial of m y guilt. There were no eyewitnesses. None of my fingerprints were found. No DNA. There was not even a murder weapon. This was a long ago murder robbery that bad happened July 1983 and the police bad not solved or made any arrests in over 6 or 7 years when I came along and they seen a perfect chance to 'solve' their case. I was already in a prison in California. So it was not hard for them to convince anyone they had the right person. Plus, it was a white owned business whose owners throughout trial were spoken of as 'pillars of the community' putting further pressure on the D.A. and judge to find me guilty regardless of the lack of solid evidence or witnesses.

 All they had was a 'confession' from me they got when they came to California where I was being treated with anti-psychotic drugs off and on and was psychotic, depressed, and suicidal as my prison record clearly documents as I was severely 'disturbed' at that time and completely unable to recollect truthfully or reliably something that happened as far back as seven years when I was barely sane or managing to stay alive in Folsom, Pelican Bayou and some of California's most inhumane and notorious lockups where I was involved in an unusual amount of assaults and violent episodes due to my mental illness causing me assorted problems with guards and other prisoners which has all worked to the advantage of Texas authorities and prison officials who have repeatedly called me 'one of the state's most dangerous inmates' and the 'meanest man on death row' and other similar propaganda: This rhetoric and nonsense is but a smokescreen thinly veiling the real reasons for them wanting me dead (i.e. to complete the 'cover up') begun when they charged me with this crime without any evidence And, even if it were true would it have anything to do with the murder robbery at a south Texas jewelers for which I've been sentenced to death and forced to endure a living nightmare?! Does a 'bad' reputation in prison and the record of problems I've had since I got locked up necessarily prove that I must be guilty of something that happened before I got locked up?! Or, is it more feasible and logical to any justice minded and caring people that it may be the problems in prison and mental and emotional issues might be the direct result of prison itself and massive persecution I've endured? Going through the ordeal of living on death row and the possibility of death by lethal injection, isn't an easy thing. Put yourself in my shoes, if you can. How would you react? How would living under these conditions affect you? So instead of treatment Texas would rather hide my history so that they can kill me.

 Until they murder me I am going to be fighting not just for my life, but also for the justice that's been so far denied me. And, for the higher purpose of exposing and unmasking to as many as possible this state's arrogant use of the death penalty. Its unparalleled record of systematic violations of fundamental legal and human rights and total perversion of justice while feeding their 'killing frenzy'. Already over 250 executions in this state since December 1982 have done little or nothing to stop violence! That should tell you something right there. All the death penalty does in reality is encourages and legitimizes violence and vengeance. If it deterred it Texas would have the safest streets in the world. But all it does is cheapen and erode respect for human life when the state itself is in the immoral business of taking life.

 Now, comes the hard part. Asking people for help is never easy. I can only pray that if you've read so far that you're someone that cares about justice and human rights and that you'll continue. I am poor and have no family to help or support me during this present legal ordeal. Until recently I had a girlfriend who helped and supported me during this financially and otherwise but now she's left and I am completely destitute and with little or none resources beyond my unquenchable faith and my unbreakable spirit to fight until justice is done and the death penalty is abolished!

I would be very grateful to hear from any who might be willing and able to help and support mc by writing letters, sending e-mails, photocopying etc. I particularly welcome any and all financial assistance. Since my girlfriend's left me I have no funds in my prison account I use to buy commissary and stamps and writing supplies. Most urgently and importantly I need to get a DNA test performed by an independent lab and a competent investigator to gather some crucial exculpatory evidence that has been 'overlooked' by' the state. All this costs money, which I do not have. I am therefore coming to you begging your mercy and understanding and asking that you open your heart. I ask you to remember the saying that 'there but by the grace of God go I'! It is no overstatement to say my very life could depend on people like you. I will answer letters from anyone who writes to mc about my case, and I will be more than happy to provide you more information or details about any aspect of the Texas 'killing machine'. Time is of the essence. Please write. Don't let them silence me. Please.

Jermarr C. Arnold

# 000987

Polunsky Unit

12002 South FM Rd.350

Livingston, Texas 77351 USA