The Augustinians join the Community of Sant�Egidio in the research of funds for the legal counsel of Dominique Green.
http://www.santegidio.org/en/pdm/index.htm (home page - campaign) http://www.santegidio.org/en/pdm/news/dominique.htm (dominique green) Here is the information about their present campaign: Dominique Green is 28 years old. He is African-American. He is poor. He has been condemned to death. He is the first death-row inmate we have gotten to know, the first of many friends. We want to save his life. Help us to help Dominique, help us stop the death penalty. A euro, a dollar...ten euro, ten dollars for Dominique's defense doesn't cost you much. But it will do a lot to help give life and justice one more chance. To contribute, please send an international money wire from your local bank to the Community of Sant'Egidio account :
"for Dominique Green" Your bank will need the following information: Comunit� di Sant'Egidio c/c bancario (bank account):#112233 Banca Popolare Etica Via Rasella, 14 - 00187 Roma ABI 5018 - CAB 03200 Amount: ____________________ (dollars or euros) Ref.: Donation "for Dominique Green" * * * *
Joseph A. Genito, O.S.A. Augustinian Justice & Peace 3700 Oakview Terrace NE Washington DC 20017-2591 202-635-5297 fax: 202-635-5296 |