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February 10 

Blagojevich and Vallas trade shots at debate

By Dan Mihalopoulos

In the most combative exchange yet among the Democrats running for governor, Paul Vallas and Rod Blagojevich criticized each other's records Saturday as they fought to position themselves as a clear alternative to front-runner Roland Burris.

Burris, meanwhile, said at the debate at Rainbow/PUSH Coalition headquarters that he would extend the state's moratorium on executions if he is elected governor. Burris said he did not think "we will see the death penalty used in Illinois anymore."

The sharp attacks between Blagojevich and Vallas marked an abrupt end to the largely civil, almost genteel, tenor that had prevailed at previous forums. And it may reflect a newfound urgency in the Democratic campaign for governor as the March 19 primary approaches.

When asked a question about cleaning up corruption in state government, Blagojevich, a Northwest Side congressman, answered by criticizing Vallas' record on labor issues while he was chief of the Chicago Public Schools.

Full story at Chicago Tribune