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NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale
Comunità di Sant'Egidio


Secondo quanto riportato dall�agenzia Misna il Governo del Mali (considerato abolizionista de facto) ha approvato un disegno di legge che prevede una moratoria della pena capitale per due anni.

ROME, MAY 16, 2002-The government of Mali  approved a draft law suspending the application of the death penalty for 2 years.

  The news was reported by the Misna missionary agency   (misna.org).- from quotes by official sources,   explaining that the adoption of the measure does not   imply the abolition of capital punishment.

  The country has debated extensively over the death   penalty, established in the Penal Code but not applied   since 1984.

  Outgoing President Alpha Oumar Konare of Mali, ending   his second and last mandate on June 8, has always been   a great defender of the abolition of capital punishment.