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NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale
Comunità di Sant'Egidio


2 August, 2002,

Liberian troops face execution for rape

Taylor also promised access to a jailed journalist

 Liberian soldiers found guilty of rape will be executed, President Charles Taylor has warned.

There have been frequent allegations that soldiers - in particular members of the Anti-Terrorist Unit (ATU) - were guilty of human rights abuses during their war against rebels.

For me rape is worst than murder

 Charles Taylor 

The ATU has been deployed onto the streets of the capital, Monrovia, in this past week, following what Mr Taylor said were intelligence reports of a planned rebel attack.

 The Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (Lurd) rebels have occasionally attacked the outskirts of Monrovia during their fight to oust Mr Taylor.

 The Liberian president also promised that the International Committee of the Red Cross could have access to jailed journalist, Hassan Bility.

 Last week, a military court ordered the government to produce Mr Bility, and three other men who were arrested in June, before 7 August.

 'Too many activists'

 "For me rape is worst than murder, I don't want to hear about that," said Mr Taylor, dressed in full military uniform, at a news conference on Thursday.

 "If you soldiers rape any woman coming from the war-front, you will be executed."

 Refugees are most vulnerable to human rights abuses

 But he also warned human rights campaigners not to make false allegations in order to tarnish Liberia's image and said there may be too many human rights groups in Liberia.

 "Little Liberia has 21, America has one and Britain has one," he said.

 "So obviously, there is something wrong."

 Mr Taylor accuses Mr Bility of being part of a "terrorist cell" working for the Lurd rebels.

 He imposed a state of emergency in February after rebels fighters almost reached Monrovia.

 The fighting has caused many thousands of people to flee their homes - most head for the capital.