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NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale
Comunità di Sant'Egidio


 WASHINGTON, 28 MAG - Robert Wesley Knighton, un uomo di 62 anni che nel 1990 uccise una coppia di agricoltori che lo stavano aiutando, e' stato messo a morte martedi' sera con un'iniezione letale in un carcere dell'Oklahoma.

Il duplice omicidio aveva concluso tre giorni di sangue e di violenza. Knighton era fuggito con due complici dal carcere di Kansas City, dove scontava una condanna per lesioni, sequestro e rapina. Durante la fuga, aveva rapinato e ucciso due uomini a Clinton nel Missouri, prima di approdare nell'Oklahoma, nella fattoria di Richard e Virginia Denney, che gli stavano dando indicazioni sulla strada da prendere quando
lui li uccise.

Prima dell'esecuzione della condanna, Knighton s'e' detto pentito dei crimini compiuti. Era presente la figlia adottiva delle vittime, Sue Norton, che aveva appoggiato la domanda di grazia respinta all'unanimita', mentre la figlia biologica dei Denney voleva che la condanna fosse eseguita. (ANSA).

Oklahoma Executes Man Who Killed Farm Couple

OKLAHOMA CITY - Robert Wesley Knighton was executed on Tuesday for the killing of a farm couple who had offered to help him.

Knighton was executed for the 1990 murders of Richard and Virginia Denney during a three-day rampage in which he was also accused of robbing and killing two men in Clinton, Missouri, after escaping from a halfway house in Kansas City.

Knighton, 62, died at 6:32 p.m. CDT, seven minutes after receiving an injection of lethal chemicals that stopped his heart and his breathing, prison spokesman Jerry Massie said.

"I'm sorry for all I've done," Knighton said in his last words, Massie reported. "I'll see you again some day."

"God bless you," Knighton said to a victim's daughter, who befriended him.

Prior to being transferred to the halfway house, Knighton had been imprisoned in Missouri for manslaughter, kidnapping and robbery.

After escaping from Missouri, Knighton and two accomplices stopped near the Oklahoma farmhouse of Denney, 62, and his wife, 64. When Richard Denney offered directions and help to the group, Knighton overpowered the couple and shot and killed them in their home. He then robbed the house.

Knighton was denied clemency unanimously by the state Pardon and Parole Board, despite pleas on his behalf by Richard Denney's adopted daughter, Sue Norton. She witnessed the execution on behalf of Knighton, whom she said had no relatives.

The Denney's biological daughter supported the death penalty for Knighton.

His last requested meal was a pepperoni pizza and a strawberry milkshake.