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NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale

Comunità di Sant'Egidio


SAN`A, Yemen _ A Yemeni man who killed seven compatriots in 1991 has   been executed by a firing squad, police officials said Wednesday.

Khamis Saeed Abdullah was executed by police gunmen Monday in the presence of relatives of the victims and court and prosecution officials.

Abdullah had been found guilty in 1992 of murdering seven Yemenis in the southeastern al-Qutn area. After repeated appeals, the Supreme Court upheld the verdict and the president endorsed it this year.

The president must approve all executions. Yemen imposes the death penalty for rape and murder.

Abdullah's motives for the 1991 killings were unclear.

Family members said he suffered from psychological disturbances. At the time of the killings, the media said he had problems with the victims, without elaborating.