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2 Malawians to hang for tourist's murder

The High Court in Malawi has sentenced 2 men to death for the murder of a German tourist last year, officials here said on Monday.

The 2 men - Bright Kachala and Winikesi Kaluwa, both in their 20s - were sentenced to hang by Judge Anaclet Chipeta at the weekend following a guilty verdict from a 12-member jury.

The 2 had confessed to murdering Nathalie Toume, 22, who was dragged into the bush and beaten to death.

The tourist had been cycling near the prime Malawi tourist destination of Cape Maclear, on the shores of Lake Malawi, in May 2002. Her body was later discovered by game rangers.

"Evidence against the two was overwhelming and they had already confessed to the killing," Reyneck Matemba, a senior legal advocate said.

He said he would not appeal the death sentences.

The 2 men said they had murdered Toume to rob her of her money.

No one has gone to the gallows in Malawi since 1994 when President Bakili Muluzi came to power. The president has said in the past he will not sign a death sentence because he does not believe in capital punishment.

Toume's murder was condemned by the government, which said it did serious damage to the country's fledgling tourism industry.