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ABA Seeks Death Penalty Reforms

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. - The American Bar Association is launching a nationwide campaign to strengthen defense tactics in states that allow the death penalty.

"Time and time again we learn of cases where, due to inadequacies in defense, people are wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death," ABA President Dennis Archer said in a statement Thursday.

The ABA's recommendations include bolstering legal teams to two lawyers, an investigator, a background specialist and in some cases an expert to help with jury selection.

Supporters say the changes will help defense teams compete against often better-paid and equipped prosecutors. Critics say cash-strapped states cannot afford to do more.

Ron Tabak, a member of an ABA committee examining the issue, said his panel is asking lawyers to examine capital defense guidelines and work closely with the ABA and their state legislative and judicial branches to change them.

The ABA is the nation's largest lawyers group, with 400,000 members.