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NEW YORK, 18 MAR - Un reduce della prima guerra del Golfo ha ricevuto l'iniezione letale nel carcere federale di Terre Haute in Indiana.

L'esecuzione di Louis Jones, che si e' difeso dicendo di aver ucciso per gli effetti del gas nervino respirato in Iraq, e' stata la terza ordinata a livello federale dal 1963.

Il presidente Bush e la Corte Suprema avevano respinto gli ultimi due appelli in extremis del condannato. 

Jones aveva ricevuto la pena di morte per aver stuprato e ucciso una soldatessa di una base aerea del Texas.

MARCH 18, 2003:

Gulf Veteran Executed for Killing Soldier

In Terre Haute, a decorated Gulf War veteran who claimed his exposure to Iraqi nerve gas caused him to rape and kill a female soldier was executed by injection Tuesday at a federal prison.

Louis Jones Jr., 53, died by injection at the U.S. Penitentiary near Terre Haute after President Bush and the U.S. Supreme Court refused his 2 final requests that they intervene.

Jones, who had no prior criminal record, admitted kidnapping 19-year-old Pvt. Tracie Joy McBride from a Texas Air Force base, raping her and beating her to death with a tire iron. His attorneys said exposure to the gas caused severe brain damage that led him to kill.

"Today was a day of justice for Tracie," Irene McBride, the victim's mother, said after she witnessed the execution. "Today Louis Jones finally was made accountable for his actions, and today he will meet his ultimate judge."

"Everybody is glad this is over. It's been a long 8 years," she said. "The healing is not over; it's just beginning."

In Jones' final moments, he looked toward the room where the witnesses he had selected were watching and mouthed the words, "I love you." He did not look toward the room where McBride's family watched.

Asked by prison officials whether he had a last statement, Jones said: "Although the Lord hath chastised me forth, he hath not given me over unto death."

He then began singing a hymn with the refrain, "In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever 'til my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river."

Jones was declared dead at 7:08 a.m.

As the execution time neared, about a dozen death penalty opponents held a candlelight vigil near the prison. No death penalty supporters were present.

A sign leaning against a fence in front of the group said, "The tragic irony: As we rush recklessly to war with Iraq we are killing a veteran of the 1st Gulf War."

The White House and the high court refused Monday to block the execution after reviewing Jones' nerve gas claims. White House officials declined to explain Bush's decision, and the court did not comment.

Attorney Timothy Floyd said his client had been hopeful as he awaited word on whether Bush would consider his request to commute his death sentence to life in prison.

"He was really remarkably strong and I think at peace with whatever happens. I attribute that to his deep faith -- I think that's sustained him through this," Floyd said before Bush's decision was announced.

Federal prosecutors and McBride's family in Centerville, Minn., opposed Jones' clemency request, pointing to evidence of his aggressive behavior before the Gulf War, including 4 incidents in which he beat up co-workers or fellow soldiers.

Following his Gulf War service, Jones was promoted to master sergeant and honored with a Meritorious Service Award. Jones killed McBride in 1995, 2 years after his honorable discharge from the Army.

The federal government handled the prosecution because McBride was abducted from a military base. During his trial, defense experts testified Jones suffered brain damage from abuse as a child and post-traumatic stress from his combat tours.

In December 2000, after his conviction, the Pentagon informed Jones that he, along with about 130,000 other soldiers, may have been exposed to low levels of nerve gas wafting from a weapons depot troops destroyed near the southern Iraqi city of Khamisiyah in March 1991.

Jones becomes the 3rd condemned inmate -- after Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh and drug kingpin Juan Garza -- put to death by the federal government since it resumed executions in 2001 after a 38-year suspension.

Jones becomes the 17th condemned inmate to be put to death this year in the USA and the 437th overall since America resumed executions on January 17, 1977.