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Letter from Amos King : To All Florida Media

I am Amos King, an innocent man on Florida's death row, set for execution on February 26, 2003. I refuse to cooperate with my state provided attorneys, CCRC-M, by giving my signature for a post conviction motion.

 Last December, my signature was attached to a motion other than the motion I had given it for, which were a mockery and a treachery. I will not participate in my own murder before a corrupt judge, Susan Schaeffer, who continues to lie and falsify records to the Florida Supreme Court, the Court she fixed with false rulings about me and my case. I attempted to inform Judge Schaeffer of this, but the letter/motion came back stamped "Return to Sender. Attempted - Not Known." Her court pays thousands of dollars to an attorney to stonewall my appeal. He did nothing for over a year, then Judge Schaeffer erased his existence from the record.

 In her last order of December 1, 2002, Denial of Relief on the corrupt and perjurous former medical examiner Joan Wood issues. Judge Schaeffer ruled it was procedurally barred because it had never been raised before. This is utterly false.

 Judge Schaeffer herself documented it had been raised before in 1981 on her order denying relief on January 1, 2002. (See defendant's motion for appointment of expert witnesses on May 30, 1985) showing the matter raised a 2nd time. Dr. Wood committed perjury no less than 7 times in proceedings in this case that Judge Schaeffer continues to cover up. There is a mutual relationship between Judge Schaeffer and CCRC-M in which she condones it's incompetence and it in return, ignores her falsehoods and corruption.

 On December 1, 2002 she castigated CCRC-M for incompetence I'd alleged on January 11, 2002, though she ruled CCRC-M competent on those very claims.

 I call upon everyone with an interest in justice and integrity of the judicial process; from the Supreme Court of Florida, the Attorney General, the Governor, Justice Department, NAACP, Amnesty International, the American Civil Liberties Union, and others, to investigate this blatant corruption and the actions of this judge to murder me unjustly.


 I will soon be going on a hunger strike to protest this abuse of the judicial process by this corrupt judge, who has documented the denial of due process and protection of law in my case. Yet, she hypocritically ignores is.


 Amos King

 February 11, 2003

 Death Watch