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Campagna Internazionale
Comunità di Sant'Egidio


WASHINGTON, 29 GEN - Nel carcere di Huntsville, in Texas, e' stata eseguita in serata, con un'iniezione letale, la condanna a morte di un uomo che, nel 1991, uccise un commesso durante una rapina.

Alva Curry, 33, e' stato il quarto uomo la cui condanna a morte e' stata eseguita quest'anno in Texas e la 293/a vittima da quando le esecuzioni sono riprese dopo una moratoria. Altre due esecuzioni sono previste questa settimana.

Curry aveva ucciso un ragazzo di 20 anni il 16 ottobre 1991, in una rapina ad Austin nel Texas che frutto' a lui e al suo complice 220 dollari in tutto. I due ripeterono l'impresa criminale una settimana dopo, facendo un altro morto, prima di essere catturati.

Il complice di Curry non venne condannato a morte, ma a scontare due ergastoli.

Prima di spirare, Curry ha chiesto perdono ai familiari della sua vittima.

Texas Man Executed in Store Clerk's Death

January 28, 2003

HUNTSVILLE, Texas - A former gang member and drug dealer was executed by injection Tuesday night for killing a convenience store clerk during a robbery in Austin more than 11 years ago.

Alva Curry's execution was delayed about two hours until the U.S. Supreme Court rejected final appeals in the case.

``I pray with the help of God that you will forgive me for the pain that I have caused your family,'' he said, looking at relatives of his victims who watched through a window.

``I'm truly sorry. I wish I could take it back. I just pray and ask you forgive me,'' he said.

The slaying was one of two within a week that Curry committed.

Curry, 33, was the fourth Texas inmate executed this year and the first of three scheduled on consecutive nights this week.

He was condemned for gunning down David Vela, 20, who was shot five times Oct. 16, 1991 even though he was cooperating with Curry and an accomplice, Mark Davis. The pair, who got $220 in the robbery, was convicted of a second shooting death seven days later that got them $71.15.

Davis pleaded guilty to murder and robbery and is serving two life prison sentences.