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 Channel News Asia-

Taiwan moves to abolish death penalty

Taiwan's government is drafting legislation to abolish the death penalty and legitimise gay marriages, a cabinet official said.

If the laws are approved by parliament, Taiwan would be the 1st in Asia to legalise marriages among people of the same sex.

Jointly drafted by the presidential office and the cabinet, the proposal is designed to protect basic human rights, the official said.

"More than half of the draft has been completed so far, of which the gradual removal of death sentence was ratified," he said.

In October 2002, President Chen Shui-bian announced that Taiwan would gradually phase out capital punishment.

The presidential office said Monday the move to abolish the death penalty would ensure the right to life to everyone, including convicted criminals.

The final draft of the bill is expected to be ready for parliamentary review in December, the cabinet official said.